Monday, February 21, 2011

Solaris Live upgrade Commands and steps

lustauts  - To know the Boot Environment status

lucreate - To Create new Boot Environment

luactivate - To activate a Boot Environment

ludelete    - To delete a  Boot Environment

The Below Steps shows ho to create new boot eenvironment,upgrade the Solaris to new release,Patch the Solaris kernel and update the netbackup client . This task is performed the server which is having two zones in it. Please avoid the steps for zones , if you don't have zone in your server .

1. Check mirrors:

# metastat

2. Reboot the server an verify all is ok.

3. Halt the zones

zoneadm -z osstelsun121b halt

zoneadm -z osstelsun121a halt

4. Create new devices for solaris zones

BE OK                     BACKUP

Sol10_1009           Sol10_0606

d101                   d201 /zones

d102                  d202 osstelsun121a

d103                  d203 osstelsun121b

metainit d201 -p d100 1g

metainit d202 -p d100 3g

metainit d203 -p d100 3g

newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d201

newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d202

newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d203

mkdir /zones_bu

mount /dev/md/dsk/d201 /zones_bu

cd /zones

find . -mount  cpio -pmduv /zones_bu

mkdir /zones_bu/osstelsun121a /zones_bu/osstelsun121b

mount /dev/md/dsk/d202 /zones_bu/osstelsun121a

cd /zones/osstelsun121a

find . -mount cpio -pmduv /zones_bu/osstelsun121a

mount /dev/md/dsk/d203 /zones_bu/osstelsun121b

cd /zones/osstelsun121b

find . -mount cpio -pmduv /zones_bu/osstelsun121b

5. Check the fs permissions /zones_bu/XXX with 700.

6.Unmount all backup metadevice

umount /zones_bu/osstelsun121a

umount /zones_bu/osstelsun121b

umount /zones_bu

6. Dettach d20

# metadettach d0 d20

7. Mount d20 on /mnt and modify vfstab (change d0 as d20,d101 as 201,d102 as d202, d103 as d203) .

Modify /mnt/etc/system and change the autoboot as false if you want and change the new boot device as d20.
eeprom auto-boot?=false

edit /mnt/etc/system, modify to this for booting from d20


8. Boot from d20 and verify all work fine (also zones)

8.1 . Configure nic on vlan5 and mount nfs

#ifconfig ipge3 netmask up

# mount -F nfs /mnt

8.2 Install or reinstall liveupgrade packages from /mnt

# pkgrm SUNWlucfg

# pkgrm SUNWluu

# pkgrm SUNWlur

# pkadd SUNWlucfg

# pkadd SUNWluu

# pkadd SUNWlur

9. Install the patch cluster

# init s

# ./installcluster --s10cluster

# reboot

Note: Make a backup of, bp.conf.

10. Create the BEs. (Current BE is d20-Sol10_0106. We are creating new BE on first metadevice of root aond other FS)

lucreate -c Sol10_0606 -n Sol10_1009 -m /:/dev/md/dsk/d0:preserve,ufs -m /zones:/dev/md/dsk/d101:preserve,ufs -m /zones/osstelsun121a:/dev/md/dsk/d102:preserve,ufs -m /zones/osstelsun121b:/dev/md/dsk/d103:preserve,ufs

Note: Stop nimbus to avoid monitoring the new fs due to this step mount all new fs as /.altxxxx.

11. Verify status of BEs.

# lustatus

# lufslist Sol10_1009

# lufslist Sol10_0606

12. Boot with new BE Sol10_1009 and check all work ok.

# luactivate Sol10_1009

# lustatus

# init 6

13. Boot backup BE Sol10_0606 and check all work ok.

# luactivate Sol10_0606

# lustatus

# init 6

14. Configure nic on vlan5

ifconfig ipge3 netmask up

15. Monunt NFS server media:

# ifconfig ipge3 netmask up

# mount -F nfs /mnt

16. Start the liveupgrade process.

# luupgrade -u -n Sol10_1009 -s /mnt/media/Solaris_10_1009

17. Activate the upgraded BE.

# luactivate Sol10_1009

# lustatus

# init 6

18. Check release and patch kernel.

# showrev

# more /etc/release

19. Install the patch cluster.

# init s

# ./installcluster --s10cluster

# reboot

20. Check release and patch kernel.

# showrev

# more /etc/release

21. Install oracle patches:

# ls -ltr

total 29664

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 1784548 Jan 7 20:20

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 332942 Jan 7 20:20

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 11357181 Jan 7 20:20

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 1665130 Jan 7 20:20


22. Install the liveupgrade patches and bundle if you want.Maybe this can help in the future if we need to do another upgrade.

total 15820

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 6767812 Jan 7 20:19

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 65044 Jan 7 20:19

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 802446 Jan 7 20:19

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 107546 Jan 7 20:19

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 79108 Jan 7 20:19

-rw-r--r-- 1 roperator sysadmin 223232 Jan 7 20:34 123121-02.tar


23. Modifiy file descriptors to 65536 on /etc/system

* File Descriptors

set rlim_fd_cur=65536

set rlim_fd_max=65536

24. Install Netbackup 6.5 client.

# more version

NetBackup-Solaris9 6.0MP4


# mv /usr/openv /usr/openv.ori

# mkdir openv

# cd /patches/veritas

# tar -xvf NB_65_CLIENTS3_20070723.tar

# cd NB_65_CLIENTS3_20070723

# ./install

# more /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version

25. Install the 6.5.4 update

# tar -xvf NB_6.5.4_Patches_Solaris.tar

# ./NB_update.install Seleccionar: NB_ORA_6.5.4

NB_CLT_6.5.4 *




NB_JAV_6.5.4 *



NB_ORA_6.5.4 *


# more /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version

26. Install the Netbackup fix for 6.5.4.

# unzip

# chmod 755 eebinstaller.1862252.1.solaris10

# ./eebinstaller.1862252.1.solaris10

Note. After this step DBA need to run the script with oracle account. Notify him.

27. Copy the backup of bp.conf and exclude_list in the new paths

# cp /usr/openv.ori/netbackup/bp.conf /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf

# cp /usr/openv.ori/netbackup/exclude_list /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list

28. Create a script on init.d and rc2.d for Netbackup client parameters:


-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 292 Feb 4 18:07 set_netbackup_parm


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Feb 4 18:07 S99set-netbackup-parm -> /etc/init.d/set_netbackup_parm

# cat S99set-netbackup-parm


/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/udp udp_smallest_anon_port 9000

/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/udp udp_largest_anon_port 65500

/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port 9000

/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port 65500

/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port 65535

29. Configure Sendmail.

30. Reboot the server and verify all is ok.

31.Delete old BE after two days and attach d20 to d0 ( ludelete Sol10_0606)

32. Remove backup partition created for zones (d201,d202 & d203)


# lustatus

Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy

Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status

-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------

Sol10_0606 yes no no yes -

Sol10_1009 yes yes yes no -


# cd


# lustatus

Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy

Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status

-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------

Sol10_0606 yes no no yes -

Sol10_1009 yes yes yes no -


# cat /etc/release

Solaris 10 10/09 s10s_u8wos_08a SPARC

Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Use is subject to license terms.

Assembled 16 September 2009


# showrev

Hostname: osstelsun121

Hostid: 847e45e8

Release: 5.10

Kernel architecture: sun4v

Application architecture: sparc

Hardware provider: Sun_Microsystems


Kernel version: SunOS 5.10 Generic_142909-17




# lustatus

Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy

Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status

-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------

Sol10_0606 yes no no yes -

Sol10_1009 yes yes yes no -


# ludelete Sol10_0606

Determining the devices to be marked free.

Updating boot environment configuration database.

Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.

Updating all boot environment configuration databases.

Boot environment deleted.


# lustatus

Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy

Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status

-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------

Sol10_1009 yes yes yes no -




# lufslist Sol10_1009

boot environment name: Sol10_1009

This boot environment is currently active.

This boot environment will be active on next system boot.

Filesystem fstype device size Mounted on Mount Options

----------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- --------------

/dev/md/dsk/d1 swap 34360688640 - -

/dev/md/dsk/d0 ufs 18021777408 / logging

/dev/md/dsk/d50 ufs 12171018240 /var/audit logging

/dev/md/dsk/d101 ufs 1073741824 /zones logging

/dev/md/dsk/d102 ufs 3221225472 /zones/osstelsun121a logging

/dev/md/dsk/d103 ufs 3221225472 /zones/osstelsun121b logging



Issues and work around


1.) Try this command if you are unable to create new BE

lucreate -C /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0 -c Sol10_0106 -n Sol10_1009 -m /:/dev/md/dsk/d0:preserve,ufs

2.)Follow below steps if the server failed to boot after live upgrade and showing below error while rebooting after live upgrade

This was the issue

init 6
Creating boot_archive for /.alt.Sol10_1009

mkdir: Failed to make directory "/.alt.Sol10_1009/var/tmp/create_ramdisk.20062.tmp"; Read-only file system

Could not create temporary directory //.alt.Sol10_1009/var/tmp/create_ramdisk.20062.tmp

bootadm: Command '/.alt.Sol10_1009//boot/solaris/bin/create_ramdisk -R /.alt.Sol10_1009' failed to create boot archive

cannot unmount '/var/audit': Device busy

cannot unmount '/usr/sap/MTT': Device busy

cannot unmount '/usr/sap/EPT': Device busy

cannot unmount '/sapmnt/MTT': Device busy

cannot unmount '/sapmnt/EPT': Device busy

svc.startd: The system is down.

syncing file systems... done


work around done .

# mount /dev/md/dsk/d0 /mnt


# bootadm update-archive -v -R /mnt

stale /mnt//kernel/strmod/sparcv9/nattymod

cannot find: /mnt/etc/cluster/nodeid: No such file or directory

cannot find: /mnt/etc/mach: No such file or directory

Creating boot_archive for /mnt

updating /mnt/platform/sun4v/boot_archive

15+0 records in

15+0 records out


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